"God, Forgiveness & Recovery"
On the evening of November 17th 2012, three occupants of this vehicle were hit head on by a drunk driver. One would think an accident of this magnitude is beyond a blessing to have survived. This story is one filled with much promise, recovery and faith.
I had a chance to interview one of the three brave survivors of this horrific accident, Sherita Hall. Sherita suffered from two broken femurs, fibulas, tibias and right patella (knee cap). A fractured pelvis, C6 fracture in her neck, along with contusions in the back of her head.
Post recovery, Sherita is left with one leg shorter than the other, rods in both legs and about 40 screws between both legs. She is near and dear to my heart, my sister for life and furthermore my inspiration. Here's an inside look at her thoughts surrounding the accident.
Q & A
Q: When did u first come to the realization that you were incapable of walking, during and after the accident. How did you feel? A: I actually knew the moment I was out of the car and laid on the ground that my legs were broken because I couldn't feel them. Believe it or not, I was a trooper through most of this because it was like what can I do? There was a moment of disappointment after being told that I wouldn't be able to walk for 3 months or so. Furthermore, having to wait an additional 5 months to walk due to the growth of an extra bone. Q: At what point did you learn that the person that hit you was a drunk driver? Is this something you assumed from the way the accident occurred? A: Umm not sure honestly, I remember the nurse making reference that the guy who hit me was down the hall. This may have been day number 3 in the hospital. Also, my husband's aunt worked at the local news station and she sent cameras to the hospital to interview my husband. During that time, it was confirmed, which I saw on the news a few days later. Q: How would you have felt if the person that hit you died? What were your feelings towards the driver's reckless actions? A: I think I would have been upset. Believe it or not, my anger was short lived. I remember talking to my aunt, who was a minister, and I had her pray that I could forgive him for what he did. And I did forgive him. When he was sentenced to a year in prison, I told him I forgive him. I prayed that he got the help he needed to continue to be there for his daughter. It truly was a lose-lose situation. Q: Do you feel this experience has strengthen your awareness on the road or traumatized it? A: Both, even two years later, certain things scare me when I'm driving. It's crazy because we were in no way at fault for this accident, but I'm still very cautious. Q: Do you or your husband feel accountable for the accident in any way? A: My husband Rich, being that he was the driver, carried that burden for a very long time. He felt there should of been a way to avoid it. Q: Is there anything within that day or time of the accident that you wish you would have done differently? A: There will always be shoulda, woulda, couldas, but believe it or not this accident was a blessing. My then boyfriend, proved to my father he was the man for me. I proved to my parents I was adult and didn't need to move back home. I also learned how strong I truly am by learning how to walk, how to drive etc. Q: Describe your support system during this time. A: My support system was beyond excellent. My parents rotated weeks with us, my family paid bills, my sons's teachers were so considerate. We had parent-teacher conferences in my home. My Sorors were sooooooooo amazing. They moved us from one apartment to another, cooked us meals, called and visited. Friends also contributed to my gofundme website. The cards and words of encouragement were in describable. Q: Given the circumstances of breaking both of your legs, would you say your recovery time was average? A: My recovery time was normal, I believe. I actually grew an extra bone,which slowed some things down, but pretty good for someone who broke every bone and a knee cap. Could've been better had I stuck with all my workout routines. Shhhh... don't tell anyone LOL. Although Sherita's physical capabilities have been modified, her faith and drive to press forward never halted. Hats off to this Everyday Girl and all of the fighters out there, who battled and conquered in the midst of adversity. We see you, we admire you, we appreciate you! Click here to view the news story of the accident.