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#TeamNoSleep: Am I playing for the right team?

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The grind does not care about you. The grind will work you tirelessly with no questions asked. The grind doesn't care about the energy you need in the morning, how many hours of sleep you've missed or the meals you've skipped. The grind simply doesn't care. This is where your accountability for self comes in. Just like a car, we need that fuel to keep our creative juices flowing. That fuel is S L E E P. So, for the past week I've been reading this amazing book called Shave 10 Hours Off Your Work Week by Michael Hyatt. The book highlights some 'dos' and 'donts' when it comes to time management, our health and ultimately our success. I've learned that #teamnosleep is not where I want to be. Sleep is an important component to what the next day looks like for you. That whole #grindmode / #teamnosleep movement is literally killing people. I want to make it, but I'm not going to die trying. I'm serious! Maybe not about it literally killing you, but it has your energy hostage. What it takes for you to grind all day is being withheld because you're being distracted all night.

I'm talking about a simple sleep regiment and there's no sleep aids involved. #TeamLightsOut This team operates by shutting down social media and emails, just put the phone in another room. Don't try to trick yourself into believing five more minutes, will only be five minutes. Lock it up y'all! Send that last text and do away with all the lights. Rest your brain and regroup. The grind will be waiting for you at daylight. Don't sleep on me, I'm just the messenger 💁. #EverydayGirlStruggle "Sometimes I feel unproductive in the middle of these non-task times. But that’s the point. Our brains aren’t designed to go nonstop. When we drop things into neutral, ideas flow on their own, memories sort themselves out, and we give ourselves a chance to rest."- Michael Hyatt

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