6 Reasons You're Not Over Him<<
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies. As much as we don't want to admit, these are some of the things that are sure signs you're not over him. And it's okay, but it's not okay. It's okay because it's common in the midst of breakups. We all go through it. It's not okay if you can't recognize that your are doing it and if you refuse to correct it. You have to start somewhere. How many of these reasons can you attest to?
1. In your mind you are still together. The physical break-up hasn't paralleled the mental picture you have in your mind of who he now is to you. 2. Sex is still an option. Being drunk or depressed as an excuse won't cut it. Sex is sex. 3. You turn a blind eye to potential mates. No one can quite make the cut. Why? You know. 4. Consistently trying to find a stable place in his life. Men are more calculated than you think. If he wants you in his life he will make your place known. 5. You can't say no without feeling bad. 6. Anything that reminds you of him makes you want to call him. And you actually do.