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14 Days to Graduation: Let Go &...

A wise woman told me last week, I need to give myself a break and stop stressing over things I can't change. It reminds me of Hal Elrod's 5-minute rule in his book, The Miracle Morning. Take five minutes to rationalize with yourself, is there anything I can change about this situation? If not, move on. Otherwise, the torture of trying to find a solution is only putting your mind through pure insanity. And this thought alone was the beginning of my new beginning.

It is unhealthy to sit there thinking about things that won't budge. Instead I have to spend more time on the things I do have control of. So, with that being said, I started mapping out my plan for this year as far as my education. Do I want to continue onto my masters this fall? If so, what major?

I also have been working on some ideas for Everyday Girl and where I want to take it next. Although I still battle with my emotions, I can honestly say I've been stalking the mailman for my cap and gown and counting down each week. I'm just ready to experience this moment, this accomplishment. I've decided that no one can make the decision of staying positive for me. Just speaking positivity into the air everyday that I wake up is enough. Sometimes I look at my life and think to myself, I really gave God a good laugh. How? I told him my plans. Lol. Until next time, bring it on two weeks!

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