"I Do, But I Don't"
Let go and be humble, in that order. It sounds like a simple set of orders, that is until a major sacrifice is calculated into the mix.
How many times have you found yourself faced with a critical decision that would affect the rest of your life? How did you begin that process of elimination to weigh out your options. Well, I've learned first hand that your emotions have to take a back seat. Emotions are irrational and they don't have time to just listen, they would rather just react. In better words, explode.
The next thing in making a critical decision is who will be effected by your decision. Taking the thoughts and feelings of others into consideration. The third element that I would suggest is taking a good look at the bigger picture. What will become of this? Both good and bad. And essentially can I currently handle this. These questions can be very tricky because when you're leaning in one specific direction; you honestly believe there's nothing you can't handle.
The onr thing an individual doesn't want to feel is the wrath of regret. Regret will follow you like a lost puppy looking for a home. And won't stop until you acknowledge it. The healing process is quite extensive when it comes to regret and ultimately forgiving yourself. Making critical decisions are one of the many challenges we face everyday.
We are human and bound to make mistakes. Just don't allow those mistakes define your next decision. Live it, learn it and grow from it!