Whose Plan?
When you're a kid you believe you have made up in your mind what you want to do and some imaginative way your going to achieve it. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a veterinarian, then an artist, then a pianist, later switched to a dancer. And trust me the list goes on. I've learned that what it is your destined to do or be, does come easy. The passion for it bleeds through your veins. And if someone asked you, "Could you do this for the rest of your life?" Your response would without a doubt be yes! What I can't quite grasp about this thing we call life is actually getting and living in exactly what you wanted, but still not being happy. Is it that, what you thought you wanted isn't what God wants for you? I sometimes wonder if our unhappiness comes from taking a path that wasn't apart of God's plan. However, it is set in stone in ours. There's this inner tug of war with what you love, but what God has destined for you. It seems so right to do what is right. But it's so wrong if done at the absolute wrong time. I read my own blogs searching for answers. I write my blogs to try and answer them. But it's not up to me. And that realization is a daily struggle. Don't get it twisted it is in fact your plan, just under an extraordinary guidance. Try to follow to the best if your abilities. It's never too late.