The Memoirs of a Man: Love Will Set Him Free!
Often times we look to men to be the protectors and the head of our household. We expect them to consume all problems, believing strength to be embodied within them. While men are portraying the utmost powerful being, their inner struggle is hidden and often ignored. It is almost impossible, in this day and time for men to show any signs of emotion. They are branded soft, weak, or their sexuality is in question. In these cases, men build a solid wall protecting their thoughts and feelings; making the passage to their heart and true-self more complicated to reach.
There is not an individual on earth who doesn’t want to feel appreciated or loved in some way, so what would make men any different? Men need the encouragement to find comfort in themselves in order to whole-heartedly love. They need to know how perfectly normal it is to endure a weakness or to experience love. The test lies within us ladies, men who carry too much weight will mentally and physically fall. Women are needed to generate balance, uplift spirits and seal the empty holes men are in dire need of full-filling. And as a result, ultimately love will set him free.
Although it may be extremely difficult for men to admit to the want for love and affection; however, the desire lurks somewhere between a man’s pride and the world’s betrayal of a flawed understanding.
“With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding.” Job 12:13