Yes Man/Woman: It's Complicated
The more you say yes, the closer you get to never saying no. So, I was pretty much schooled on Good Friday at the '7 Last Words' service. And like the good student I am, I took a few notes. 😁. So first things first, the status, it's complicated in a relationship. When you are in the midst of trying to accept someone new in your life, there's no sure recognition that they are your significant other or you're still weaseling out of the old joint. So in essence hey I'm available, but I'm not. Because it's complicated. Now the interesting fact about being in this type of relationship is it's all mental. It's literally all in your head. I'm not going to do this because of that. What will he/she think of me if I say this? Because after all we are committed to something within this agreement right? Maybe. Maybe the two individuals are committed to the idea that they don't want each other officially, but they don't want to be without one another either. Drake's song "Doing It Wrong" puts this idea in a nutshell. "We live in a generation of not being in love and not being together. But we sure make it feel like we're together. Because scared to see each other with somebody else." It's complicated paints the clear picture that both parties are simply confused. It has to be all in your head, if your actions says something different than your common sense. The part of you that tells your better judgement to take a back seat and let little old you figure it out. Yeah right! And the best decision becomes no decision, so the least you can say is 'it's not over'. Not the the typical way to live a happy fulfilling life because no matter what twisted way you look at it, someone is being dealt a short hand. That's no what you want. The cycle has to be broken. The answer can't always be 'yes'. Especially if your unanswered questions are still 'it's complicated'. Let me tell you what turned this total lesson upside down. When I soaked all of this information in and considered someone else with it. Like the people who look up to you. This could be your kids, siblings, family members, friends, etc. So I'm going to leave this thought here and rattle your brain, like it rattled mine in church. Can you lead by example even in the midst of your pain? Are you worth imitating? 💁 (Meh) Idk.